DMCA Notice & Takedown Procedure follows Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other laws which means YTMG appropriately disables the access to any such YouTube videos which raise any copyright issues.

 YTMG doesn’t have control over YouTube or videos posted on YouTube which means YTMG cannot remove videos posted on YouTube. So in cases where an owner finds copyrighted videos posted on YouTube without his/her authorization, he/she needs to contact YouTube.

 If an owner finds YTMG infringes one or more of your copyrights by giving access to your copyrighted videos, feel free to notify us about the same in writing in the form of an Infringement Notice that contains the requisite information.

 If someone misrepresents that videos infringes your copyright, Y2MG advises that you will be liable for damages as per DMCA. Rightful owners may send their Infringement Notice/s by contacting us.